Fireplace Restoration
You should consider fireplace restoration if you see water spots on the walls, floors, or carpeting around your fireplace. Water stains are very easily removed if you use a fireplace restoration product.
It’s safe to say that after 20+ years servicing roofs on Long Island, we know a thing or two about your home’s needs. Below is valuable information for homeowners on Long Island. Call us directly or fill out the form below if you have any questions on your home’s roofing systems. Thanks for stopping by.
We are here to help all East Hampton homeowners. Find helpful incites into your roofing questions, below.
You should consider fireplace restoration if you see water spots on the walls, floors, or carpeting around your fireplace. Water stains are very easily removed if you use a fireplace restoration product.
Pro Home Construction, Inc. is a family owned and operated exterior home improvement contractor in East Hampton, NY 11937. We are licensed and insured, and guarantee all of our work. Give us a call today for a free same day estimate!