Chimney Liner

You need to take care of your chimneys here in the North East; cold weather can be very harsh on exterior elements like your masonry work. So what do you do if you suspect something is wrong? You call a professional like Pro Home Roof Leak Repairs !  The truth is that this small amount of metal protecting your chimney can prevent numerous mishaps from taking place and save a homeowner thousands of dollars in unnecessary chimney repair or damage expenses.
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Chimney Liner

You need to take care of your chimneys here in the North East; cold weather can be very harsh on exterior elements like your masonry work. So what do you do if you suspect something is wrong? You call a professional like Pro Home Roof Leak Repairs ! 

This article will cover some of the common issues we face in this area with regards to protecting the masonry work. If you suspect a chimney problem, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (631) 315-2800

What Does The Chimney Do

Let’s talk briefly about what chimneys do. Chimneys are mainly used as passages for smoke produced by burning fuel. They can also be used as ventilation systems; especially for fireplaces. These chimneys should always be sealed off securely or they become open pathways for cold air pressure and heat loss . The chimney system basically becomes like an opening door: allowing drafts and heat escape and potentially causing damage to your masonry structure (especially when paired against those cold NY winds)

For masonry chimneys, there are multiple areas where the chimney meets the roof line that can cause problems. First, masonry chimneys don’t always discharge smoke directly upwards like you might see in an old movie. They usually have a chimney top (cap) which directs smoke and fumes upward, but also allows for ventilation . The chimney top works like an inverted cone; offsetting the masonry chimney slightly to allow air to enter at the base of the chimney while discharging fumes above it. Let’s look at some diagrams here:

Chimney Caps

Chimney caps prevent air from entering the chimney system at the base of the chimney, but where does that air come from? There’s still an opening in the chimney! Not having a chimney cap means warm air inside escapes through the chimney instead of being recycled through your home. You want to avoid this because when warm or hot air leaves your house, energy has been lost and you are literally throwing money outside. Forgive our roofing humor, but when we said that “chimneys act like open doors,” we were alluding to this pun.

Chimney Brushes

So chimney caps are important. They need to be strong enough to withstand strong winds and the rough weather that NY experiences (snow stacking up on chimneys & chimneys full of ice). Chimney caps can be customized depending on your needs; you may choose to have them fitted with spark arresters if you spend a lot of time outdoors or use your chimney excessively (firewood burning), or even chimney balls (decorative caps) which not only look aesthetically pleasing but also help reduce down-draft . Another great feature to invest in for chimneys is chimney brushes . These brush attachments work much like a dustpan would: moving debris towards the exit instead of letting it sit inside the chimney.

Chimney Inspections

It’s important to mention that chimneys, just like your roof, also need to be inspected from time to time. Having them inspected at least once a year by a professional chimney sweep is an excellent way to ensure they are not blocked or clogged and working as intended. In other words, they effectively venting smoke and gasses away from your home and up through the chimney top (thus reducing down-draft). Chimneys can become dirty; even if you don’t use them often. They chimneys can become dirty over time and still need to be inspected by a professional once a year, even if not in use.

What Is A Chimney Liner

A chimney liner is a chimney component in the inside of your chimney system that helps protect against damage. Well, a flue lining in a masonry chimney is defined as “A clay, ceramic, or metal conduit installed inside of a chimney, intended to contain the combustion products, direct them to the outside atmosphere, and protect the chimney walls from heat and corrosion.” They are strong, durable, and able to withstand the high-heat environment that chimneys operate under. These liners act like preheating ovens for fires; they get hot very quickly and help get rid of creosote buildup on the walls of the chimney (a natural byproduct formed when fire burns wood).

Who to call for chimney liner in East Hampton

The chimney experts at Pro Home Roof Leak Repairs are chimney specialists . We stock chimney liners and have the tools, knowledge, & equipment to install them. We also offer chimney inspections which can help save you money in the long term. Since chimneys are not used often, it’s important that they are inspected once a year for cleanliness purposes. Chimneys can become dirty over time, even if not used often. It’s important to have your chimney cleaned out once a year by a professional chimney sweep . In addition to saving energy and reducing down-draft , having a clean chimney helps prevent creosote buildup which could lead to dangerous chimney fires . Call us today so we may assist!

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