Why choose aluminum gutters when there are other materials that may be more cost effective? First, aluminum gutters are easy to install in your yard. They come in various sizes to fit the average size of a yard. Second, they are a very green construction material as they are recyclable. Aluminum gutters will last for years and do not rot or rust.
Copper Gutters
Gutters can also be more aesthetically pleasing than copper rain gutters, which is good if you are not looking to go with a copper finished product. What are the pros and cons of aluminum gutters? First, aluminum gutters do not rust, dent, or show any type of buildup on the eaves or surface of the roof. So, they are a green construction material that will not deteriorate over time and are easily recyclable. Aluminum gutters are more aesthetically pleasing than copper, especially if the finish is finished with a glossy finish and/or painted.
Aluminum Gutters Durability
Another plus to aluminum gutters is that they are extremely durable. This is because aluminum is a very heavy material. When aluminum gutters are properly installed they are virtually impenetrable to water except in the event of a minor leak. If water does get inside, it is quickly flushed away because of the weight of the aluminum. If a small leak is noticed, it can usually be repaired with some minor clay tile repairs. Even if a larger leak comes through, with aluminum, it typically does not burst and create a large pool of water underneath the gutter.

How about plastic gutters?
Over time, they can deteriorate due to the accumulation of debris and mildew. This debris clogs the air passages, making it harder for rain to flow through and drain off your roof. Eventually, this causes a pool of stagnant, moist water underneath your aluminum guttering. Not only does this cause damage to your aluminum guttering, but it can also cause health problems to those living near the attic.
Steel Gutters
Finally, one could argue that steel gutters are better than aluminum. They may look similar, but both types of gutters offer excellent protection. Steel is much more resistant to rotting, rusting, and chipping. It is far less likely to be cut by power tools or human intervention. Finally, in terms of longevity, aluminum degrades at a far slower rate than steel. By comparison, aluminum gutters last up to thirty years while steel gutters only last around ten years.
Weathering and Repair
When deciding on aluminum gutters, it is important to check the quality of the aluminum material used. Some aluminum gutters are made from scrap metal that is not solid. This means it could be easily pulled apart during any type of weathering and repair is impossible. On the other hand, solid aluminum gutters are very durable and can last for many years without replacement. If you want the best type of gutter installation for your home, it is wise to get advice from a professional.