Torch down roofing is the best way to protect your commercial roof. Torch Down Roofing is a method that provides you with the least damage and maximum protection for your home. torch down roofing This type of re-roof can last upwards of 50 years in most cases
What is torch down roofing?
Torch down and torch applied elastomeric coatings are often cited as a solution for extending the life of roofs. However, given that most torch downs and torch application work is performed by asphalt contractors, it’s no wonder there exists some debate on how effective those materials actually are at causing new roof failure. Sadly, some people who sell asphalt roofs give the public false information about torch down roofing. They say you can put a elastomeric coating or torch on top of plywood without ventilation. This is not true. During torch down roofing torch application, a torch is used for melting tar and pitch. You can not put a torch on top of plywood without ventilation because the rubber will melt and make a huge mess.
Torch Applied Coatings or Black Asphalt?
Most people who torch down roofs use torch applied coatings rather than regular black asphalt to ensure the roof lasts as long as possible, ultimately saving them money in the long run. There’s alot of misinformation about torch downs that needs to be corrected before more damage is done by contractors who don’t know what they’re doing.
In most cases when it comes to torch down roofing , an asphalt strip shingle roof has been installed over wood sheathing directly over a cold deck or insulation board with no ventilation space below the deck or sheathing. In cold climates, this may result in ice dams forming under the asphalt shingles unless special steps are taken to ensure proper ventilation and insulation below the deck.
Environmental Factors
In warm or hot climates, problems can occur as well if torch down roofing is done without proper ventilation space being created. The torch down roofing process involves melting asphalt to adhere torch down torch applications to the roof surface. During that process a lot of heat is generated and it can cause some surfaces on the roof sheathing/decking underneath the torch applied sealer to become soft from too much heat buildup. This can lead those areas to fail prematurely as well as shortens the life of any materials used during torch down roofing .
These issues aren’t always apparent right away especially in cases where torch down roofing has been done for many years. The torch applied elastomeric coating often begins to show signs of wear and tear which could eventually lead to leaks. Often times, torch downs are performed without proper ventilation which leads to future problems with the torch down roofing service.
Torch down roof leaks
Torch Down Roof Leak Repairs should be considered anytime you see any sort of torch application on top of plywood without ventilation space below it. If you can’t get rid of the tarps or other materials that were used during torch down roof repair then there’s little hope that your torch down will last very long either unless you plan on replacing torch down roofing in 10 or 15 years.
If torch down roof leak repairs are to be performed, torch down torch applications should also be removed and replaced with a new torch down torch application which follows the correct procedures and practices for torch downs . The same applies if torch down roofing is done without ventilation space below the deck. If you don’t remove that material then it will cause problems such as what was discussed earlier unless you plan on replacing torch down roofing every couple of decades after it fails over time.
The best way to protect your commercial roof is to hire experienced professionals who know how to create proper ventilation space underneath the deck when torch applying materials during torch applied sealers , especially during a torch down where there’s a lot of heat being created underneath the deck. If there’s not enough ventilation space underneath torch down roofing then you’re doomed for future problems resulting in torch down roof leak repairs .
Torch down roof cleaning
Torch Down And Tar Roof Cleaning involves removal of torch coatings & torch application areas before repairing torch applied sealers with a new torch down torch application. Flashing is necessary to prevent leaks during torch down roof leak repairs where it’s required either before or after an asphalt shingle or torch on applying sealant to your project depending on what type of material was used to apply the original torch applied sealer . Gutter Work involves proper ventilation space below your torch down which should be installed according to manufacturer specifications in order to create a proper torch down flat roof. Torch On Coatings involves torch applications in certain areas where special sealants & coatings are applied in layers in preparation for torch applied sealers . Winterizing involves the removal of torch down materials when surfaces have been prepped for torch on sealant or when winter is approaching. Repair involves patching up torch down roofing before applying the necessary torch on coating over torch down roofing . Installation involves installing new torch down roofing material by following manufacturer specifications exactly. Replacement may become necessary if repair isn’t possible or no longer an option depending on your needs and budget at the time especially during a commercial project involving building owners who don’t want torch down roofing material on their property to last any longer than necessary.
Torch down roofing does not require additional maintenance
Torch down roofing does not require additional maintenance. Most torch down roofing materials can last from 15-25 years with proper torch down torch application practices, ventilation space below the torch down and correct procedures when torch applying sealants in a torch on application. The same goes for torch on coatings . Remember that removing all torch applications or other materials used during a torch down is the best way to prevent future problems such as what was discussed earlier unless you want to pay for increased labor costs due to warranty issues later after having to fix problems before they escalate into larger ones requiring much more time & money in order to resolve which should be considered if no care was given beforehand concerning torch down roof leak repairs .
Torch down roofing is affordable
Torch down roofing is affordable. What you pay for torch down torch on applications depends on what kind of roof material you want to use as well as how much torch down torch application labor is required, the amount of torch on sealant used and ventilation space requirements according to manufacturer specifications that should be created beforehand whenever installing torch applied materials or during a commercial project involving building owners who don’t want their property vandalized especially if it’s an apartment complex where torch down roofing needs special treatment before removing torch applications because there are specific guidelines concerning these types of problems which tend to escalate more than residential properties. That’s why manufacturers find it necessary to create proper instructions & safety precautions concerning torch applied products in order to prevent future problems especially if no torch down torch on application information is provided in order to properly install torch on roofing materials or when not following manufacturer specifications

We are a roofing company specializing in torch down roof leak repairs
Please visit our contact page at for more information regarding torch down, torch on and other specialized solutions for your project involving torch applications that will give you peace of mind knowing your family or employees are safe by taking every precaution concerning safety concerns especially if there’s no experience working with torch applied products which tend to be difficult due to their flammable properties depending on what type of material you want installed.
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